A.F.R.A.I.D. (as Reported by Fanny Fern)

Music and Libretto by Susan Stoderl

A Musical Drama in two acts
Tuesday Nights at 7:30 PM
Brooklyn Lyceum, 227 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

New York City, August 1858. The weekly meeting of American Females for Righteousness Abasement Ignorance & Docillity was called to order by its venerable President, Mrs. Senza Bliss. After singing the national A.F.R.A.I.D. anthem, the meeting was delightfully disrupted by a group of Women's Righters, Abolitionists, Suffragists, Spinsters, Domestics, Fallen Doves, Lunatics and yours truly, Fanny Fern.
Brooklyn Repertory Opera Home Quality opera in Park Slope.